Thursday, July 17, 2014

(Not So) New Member Lessons

Last Friday, I had a job interview at Chipotle. I fasted, and I prayed a whole lot. But I found myself feeling doubtful, and lacking in confidence. Needless to say, I didn't get hired by that place.  :(

Yesterday, I was checking my email, and another Chipotle had asked me to go to in for an interview today at 11:30.

I ended up waking up really early this morning. Okay, so it wasn't that early. It was around 8:00 am, but the day before, I woke up around 11:00 am, so it is early in comparison. ;)

Seeing as I had a few hours to kill, I starting going through my scriptures. Recently, I've been trying to erase my old scripture marker marks and re-do them with my new scripture markers. The old ones aren't very bright, and I don't like the way they look. The new ones are so much better! Anyway, today I was re-marking up the Book of Enos.

Enos 1:15 - "Whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it."

This scripture really struck a chord in me. I realized that last week, I had prayed, and I had asked for help in getting the job, but I doubted whether I would get it. And I tried to argue with myself that it wasn't that I lacked faith in Him, and that I only lacked faith in myself. I was afraid that I would blow it. Then I remembered "faith is the opposite of fear." I know that if we have complete faith in Jesus Christ, we need not be afraid of anything, not even of our own weaknesses and flaws.

So, I prayed about the interview today. I put my complete faith in the Lord and in the Savior. And I killed that interview. I am so grateful for that. I know that I was blessed today. That scripture was exactly what I needed to see/hear today.

I'm sure I'll find out soon enough whether I got the job, but I feel super good about it. :)

So, almost six months in, and I'm just barely getting started with the new-member lessons. Haha I guess they didn't think I would need the refresher course. I met the Sisternaries at the Pattons' house around 6. The Sisters and Sister Patton just taught me, and had me "teach" them what I've learned, about the Restoration. It was pretty cool. I shared my experience with the scripture in Enos with them. Sister Patton told me that my "countenance" has changed since she met me in January. I definitely feel that I've changed on the inside, and I guess it's showing on the outside, too. :) Which remind me of one of my favorite quotes: "When you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be changed." - President Ezra Taft Benson

I was also super fortunate to have the opportunity to help the Reseda Sisternaries teach a lesson today. I find it so humbling that one of the reasons I was initially against joining the Church was because I thought everyone had to serve missions, and I was super against that, at the time. Now, I'm willingly giving up my time to help the sisternaries do their missionary work, and I'm even contemplating serving a mission myself. See how much I've changed since December?!

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