Saturday, July 19, 2014

Post-Building Cleaning Adventures!

First things first, I got the job!! :D

Yesterday, I helped the YSA Sisternaries, and a guy from my ward, teach a different guy from my ward a new-member lesson today! It was really great. The latter guy, the new member, told us a lot about his life, and I could tell he was relieved to get that off his chest. But I think we were able to help him. The presence of the Holy Spirit was definitely strong!

Then I went home, and the Reseda Sisternaries came over to teach my little sister who is investigating in the church. I hung out with them for a bit while we waited for my sister to get home from her friend's house. I got to see Sister Smalley, whom I met in the Tarzana ward, because she and Sister Naylor were on exchanges. I was so happy to see her. She's so cool. I've been saying that I was gonna go ward-hopping just to see her and Sister Cameron in the Tarzana ward. :) But all the Sisternaries I've met are really cool.

After my sister got home, I headed on over to the Northridge ward for building cleaning. The YSA ward and the Family ward take turns cleaning it, so every other month, we switch. On Friday nights of every other month, the YSA cleans the entire building. I've been looking forward to this. I wasn't able to go last Friday, and we've recently decided that we're gonna play basketball or volleyball after we finished cleaning the building. So, seeing as it's been a while since the ward has played either, I was really looking forward to it. But some of the family ward members were there practicing for the stake talent show that happened today.

After we finished cleaning the building, we all decided to go to the temple grounds, well minus the guy who is in charge of building cleaning. He wanted to go home. But the rest of us went. It was AMAZING. I wasn't able to go on Thursday because I had my new-member lesson, and then I went to help the Reseda Sisternaries teach a lesson, so I hadn't gone to the temple since last week. It makes a huge difference when you don't go to the temple. When I miss a week, my week feels longer, and I feel miserable. I honestly love going to the temple, though, I only get to see a small portion of it now. Eventually, when I've been a member for at least a year, and if I'm worthy, I'll receive my endowments, and I'll get to see other parts of the temple. I cannot wait. But after walking around the temple grounds for about half an hour or so, we all went out to eat at Denny's.

I was definitely feeling under-dressed to be on the temple grounds. I was dressed to play volleyball/basketball.
Today was Nicky's bridal shower. Sister Patton hosted it at her house. It was so cute. Sister Patton is so creative. I'm so excited for Nicky to get married to Andrew. They are such a cute couple. I can't believe they're getting married in just a few weeks. That's probably the only bad thing about YSA- people are constantly leaving. I have attachment issues. But I know that they are moving onto bigger and better things, so I am happy for them. :)

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