Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Simple Sacrifice I Was Happy to Make

I have been dying to go hiking for the last couple of weeks. The girl who is now in charge of the ward FHE activities planned a nighttime hike for yesterday. I was really excited. To hike under the stars with my friends sounded awesome.
Literally, as I was leaving my house to start heading over to the girl's house (because we were all meeting there to carpool), I saw that I had a missed call from the Reseda Sisternaries around 7:40 pm. So, I called them back, and they sounded a little sad through the phone. They were wondering if I would help them teach a lesson at 8:00 pm. It was 7:50 pm. I told them I would help them, but I quickly realized I would probably be late to the night hike, or I'd end up missing it altogether.
Since I was already in the car, I told them I would just drive to the investigator's house and meet them there. It turns out he lives a few blocks away from me. I probably could have walked. Haha. It would've been a little faster since it took forever to find parking on the street. This investigator is actually getting baptized this coming Saturday. So, the Sisternaries just taught him about sacrament and what it means, and what it could do for us. They asked me to share my experience with baptism.

I got baptized 163 days ago, so on February 9th. :) I had decided that I wanted to get baptized on January 31st, well, I realized I had no reason not to get baptized; but I don't think that counts as desire. But when I went through the Gilbert, Arizona temple during their open house on both the 31st of January, and the 1st of February, I had such an incredible experience while I was in the temple. I felt all my burdens lifted, and I had a moment of clarity; and that's when I knew that the Church was true. Once I knew the Church was true, I knew I wanted to be a member of it!
On the 1st, after I had gotten home, the YSA Sisternaries came over to my house to talk about getting baptized. They told me that Sister Kemp would be getting transferred on the 25th. Basically, they said, "you don't have to get baptized right away, but if you want Sister Kemp to be there, it has to be soon. But, no pressure." Haha. Okay, they didn't say it like that. But that's how I took it. So I agreed to get baptized the following week on the 9th.
Even though I knew I wanted to get baptized, I felt rushed. I had second thoughts about doing it on that day right up until the last second when I got "dunked" into the water. But as soon as I was, I felt relieved. I knew I made the right choice. And I haven't looked back since. It has to be, quite honestly, the best decision I've ever  made because it's changed my life so much. And it has all been for the better. That choice has affected my life in more ways than I can count.

Obviously, I gave the investigator the short version of that story. But he liked that I said I was having second-thoughts about it, but that I don't regret it. I think maybe he was having second-thoughts about it, but was strengthened by my testimony; at least, that's what it seemed like to me. I hope I can be there on Saturday for his baptism, but I might have to work.

The lesson ended at 9:00 pm. I called the girl, and she said they were still up on the mountain. I thought, "maybe I can still make it?" I drove up there, and I didn't have service so I couldn't call someone to meet me so I could join them. So, I sat there for a bit, looked at the stars for a few minutes, and then I drove home.

Even though I wasn't able to hang out with the YSA, I don't regret helping the Sisternaries. I love helping them teach lessons, and I think the investigator enjoyed my testimony.
Likewise, even though I didn't think I was ready to get baptized so soon after having realized I even wanted to get baptized in the first place, I'm glad I did it then. I'm glad I didn't wait. I don't regret that either. I know everything worked out according to God's plan. :)

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