Sunday, July 27, 2014

Great day!

Today was an awesome day! I went up the Wiley Canyon Ward to see my friend EmRod give her farewell talk there, and to see Sister Kemp!! It was awesome (and a little awkward for me... haha but I honestly don't know why). 

From there, EmRod, my sister, and I went to the YSA ward. Good times there!

EmRod and I drove to my house, and dropped my sister off. Gilbert came with us. We ate a ton of ice cream. Then we all went down to the Los Angeles Temple Visitors' Center for a fireside. It was hosted/led by Maclain Nelson, who is an actor and producer. He produced and played Elder Propst in The Saratov Approach. It is such a good movie. The presence of the Spirit was so strong! Anyway, he's a really nice guy and I look forward to seeing more of his work. :)

Maclain Nelson and I :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Simple Sacrifice I Was Happy to Make

I have been dying to go hiking for the last couple of weeks. The girl who is now in charge of the ward FHE activities planned a nighttime hike for yesterday. I was really excited. To hike under the stars with my friends sounded awesome.
Literally, as I was leaving my house to start heading over to the girl's house (because we were all meeting there to carpool), I saw that I had a missed call from the Reseda Sisternaries around 7:40 pm. So, I called them back, and they sounded a little sad through the phone. They were wondering if I would help them teach a lesson at 8:00 pm. It was 7:50 pm. I told them I would help them, but I quickly realized I would probably be late to the night hike, or I'd end up missing it altogether.
Since I was already in the car, I told them I would just drive to the investigator's house and meet them there. It turns out he lives a few blocks away from me. I probably could have walked. Haha. It would've been a little faster since it took forever to find parking on the street. This investigator is actually getting baptized this coming Saturday. So, the Sisternaries just taught him about sacrament and what it means, and what it could do for us. They asked me to share my experience with baptism.

I got baptized 163 days ago, so on February 9th. :) I had decided that I wanted to get baptized on January 31st, well, I realized I had no reason not to get baptized; but I don't think that counts as desire. But when I went through the Gilbert, Arizona temple during their open house on both the 31st of January, and the 1st of February, I had such an incredible experience while I was in the temple. I felt all my burdens lifted, and I had a moment of clarity; and that's when I knew that the Church was true. Once I knew the Church was true, I knew I wanted to be a member of it!
On the 1st, after I had gotten home, the YSA Sisternaries came over to my house to talk about getting baptized. They told me that Sister Kemp would be getting transferred on the 25th. Basically, they said, "you don't have to get baptized right away, but if you want Sister Kemp to be there, it has to be soon. But, no pressure." Haha. Okay, they didn't say it like that. But that's how I took it. So I agreed to get baptized the following week on the 9th.
Even though I knew I wanted to get baptized, I felt rushed. I had second thoughts about doing it on that day right up until the last second when I got "dunked" into the water. But as soon as I was, I felt relieved. I knew I made the right choice. And I haven't looked back since. It has to be, quite honestly, the best decision I've ever  made because it's changed my life so much. And it has all been for the better. That choice has affected my life in more ways than I can count.

Obviously, I gave the investigator the short version of that story. But he liked that I said I was having second-thoughts about it, but that I don't regret it. I think maybe he was having second-thoughts about it, but was strengthened by my testimony; at least, that's what it seemed like to me. I hope I can be there on Saturday for his baptism, but I might have to work.

The lesson ended at 9:00 pm. I called the girl, and she said they were still up on the mountain. I thought, "maybe I can still make it?" I drove up there, and I didn't have service so I couldn't call someone to meet me so I could join them. So, I sat there for a bit, looked at the stars for a few minutes, and then I drove home.

Even though I wasn't able to hang out with the YSA, I don't regret helping the Sisternaries. I love helping them teach lessons, and I think the investigator enjoyed my testimony.
Likewise, even though I didn't think I was ready to get baptized so soon after having realized I even wanted to get baptized in the first place, I'm glad I did it then. I'm glad I didn't wait. I don't regret that either. I know everything worked out according to God's plan. :)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Post-Building Cleaning Adventures!

First things first, I got the job!! :D

Yesterday, I helped the YSA Sisternaries, and a guy from my ward, teach a different guy from my ward a new-member lesson today! It was really great. The latter guy, the new member, told us a lot about his life, and I could tell he was relieved to get that off his chest. But I think we were able to help him. The presence of the Holy Spirit was definitely strong!

Then I went home, and the Reseda Sisternaries came over to teach my little sister who is investigating in the church. I hung out with them for a bit while we waited for my sister to get home from her friend's house. I got to see Sister Smalley, whom I met in the Tarzana ward, because she and Sister Naylor were on exchanges. I was so happy to see her. She's so cool. I've been saying that I was gonna go ward-hopping just to see her and Sister Cameron in the Tarzana ward. :) But all the Sisternaries I've met are really cool.

After my sister got home, I headed on over to the Northridge ward for building cleaning. The YSA ward and the Family ward take turns cleaning it, so every other month, we switch. On Friday nights of every other month, the YSA cleans the entire building. I've been looking forward to this. I wasn't able to go last Friday, and we've recently decided that we're gonna play basketball or volleyball after we finished cleaning the building. So, seeing as it's been a while since the ward has played either, I was really looking forward to it. But some of the family ward members were there practicing for the stake talent show that happened today.

After we finished cleaning the building, we all decided to go to the temple grounds, well minus the guy who is in charge of building cleaning. He wanted to go home. But the rest of us went. It was AMAZING. I wasn't able to go on Thursday because I had my new-member lesson, and then I went to help the Reseda Sisternaries teach a lesson, so I hadn't gone to the temple since last week. It makes a huge difference when you don't go to the temple. When I miss a week, my week feels longer, and I feel miserable. I honestly love going to the temple, though, I only get to see a small portion of it now. Eventually, when I've been a member for at least a year, and if I'm worthy, I'll receive my endowments, and I'll get to see other parts of the temple. I cannot wait. But after walking around the temple grounds for about half an hour or so, we all went out to eat at Denny's.

I was definitely feeling under-dressed to be on the temple grounds. I was dressed to play volleyball/basketball.
Today was Nicky's bridal shower. Sister Patton hosted it at her house. It was so cute. Sister Patton is so creative. I'm so excited for Nicky to get married to Andrew. They are such a cute couple. I can't believe they're getting married in just a few weeks. That's probably the only bad thing about YSA- people are constantly leaving. I have attachment issues. But I know that they are moving onto bigger and better things, so I am happy for them. :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

To Serve or Not to Serve, That is the Question

A little while before I had gotten baptized, I had a dream that I was serving a mission and teaching investigators in Spanish. I made the "mistake" of telling one of my friends from Church. At the temple one night, she commented on how my bag looks like such a "missionary" bag. I guess she had told Bishop Patton about this dream I had, because he then made a comment about how I would be serving a mission next March.
A few days later, the Sisternaries came over (for what I presume was supposed to be my new-member lessons), and asked about this dream. So I told them about it, and they began to tell me about the blessings I could receive from serving a mission.

Fast forward a few weeks, and I'm getting my patriarchal blessing. The Patriarch told me to fast and pray, so I did. I don't know why, but in my prayer, I asked to know whether I should serve a mission. And, boy, did I get my answer!
Over the next few days, I start to have doubts, and I convince myself, "The Patriarch probably tells everyone to serve a mission. After all, this church is known for service and spreading the gospel."

I turned to the scriptures, and I found Doctrine and Covenants Section ten, Verses eight and nine, which say,
"But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that is is right.
"But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong; therefore, you can not write that which is sacred save it be given you from me."

After reading that, I knew that the Lord truly does want me to serve a mission because I have felt it in my "bosom." And verse nine says that if it's not right, you will forget about it; but I can't seem to forget about it.
But I didn't want to go out and serve a mission just because I know that it's what the Lord wants. I didn't want that to be the only reason. As I struggled to find reasons why I wanted to go on a mission, I continued to read my scriptures. In Mosiah, chapter 2, verses 17 through 19 further convinced me why I should go.
"And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.
"Behold, ye have called me your king; and if I, whom ye call your king, do labor to serve you, then ought not ye labor to serve one another?
"And behold also, if I, whom ye call your king, who has spent his days in your service, and has been in the service of God, do merit any thanks from you, O how you ought to thank your heavenly King!"

Moroni 7:47 tells us "charity is the pure love of Christ." I know charity involves serving one another. I know that if I truly love Christ, I must be willing to serve my fellow brothers and sisters, not just for eighteen months while I serve a mission, but forever. I know that not only does it make my Heavenly Father happy to see me serving my brothers and sisters, but it'll make me happy, too (Finding Joy through Loving Service).

I love reading conference talks. I have found so much insight, so many answers to my questions in the talks the leaders of the Church give. Reading Elder M. Russel Ballard's October 2008 conference talk (The Truth of God Shall Go Forth), I found the following:
"We are all needed to finish the work that was begun by those pioneering Saints over 175 years ago and carried out through the subsequent decades by faithful Saints of every generation. We need to believe as they believed. We need to work as they worked. We need to serve as they served. We need to overcome as they overcame."
I know that Satan is trying really hard to convince me not to go on a mission. But I also know that "no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing." No matter what happens, the gospel will always be heard. I know I'm going to serve a mission, and I'll probably be going out into the field in about a year. I know that it might be hard; I know that if, as missionaries, we are going to be representatives of Christ, we are going to experience a lot of what Christ experienced. But I know that it will also be worth it.
Helping the Sisternaries now (and not only from the YSA ward, but from the Reseda family ward as well), has been such a blessing. I have truly come to understand love better. I have grown to love those investigators. I have become more selfless in the process, and it truly does make me happy. Every time I help the Sisternaries teach a lesson, I cannot wait until the next lesson. I love it! I honestly feel like teaching lessons, and being a missionary, is something I was born to do. I know that the Lord put that in my patriarchal blessing for a reason!

This is worth reblogging

Sister Madison Stucki: Different is How We Do: THE GROUP STRIKES AGAIN. Yes, now a controversial and touchy subject among some particular Mormon feminists, the "Ordain Women"...

Spot on!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

(Not So) New Member Lessons

Last Friday, I had a job interview at Chipotle. I fasted, and I prayed a whole lot. But I found myself feeling doubtful, and lacking in confidence. Needless to say, I didn't get hired by that place.  :(

Yesterday, I was checking my email, and another Chipotle had asked me to go to in for an interview today at 11:30.

I ended up waking up really early this morning. Okay, so it wasn't that early. It was around 8:00 am, but the day before, I woke up around 11:00 am, so it is early in comparison. ;)

Seeing as I had a few hours to kill, I starting going through my scriptures. Recently, I've been trying to erase my old scripture marker marks and re-do them with my new scripture markers. The old ones aren't very bright, and I don't like the way they look. The new ones are so much better! Anyway, today I was re-marking up the Book of Enos.

Enos 1:15 - "Whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it."

This scripture really struck a chord in me. I realized that last week, I had prayed, and I had asked for help in getting the job, but I doubted whether I would get it. And I tried to argue with myself that it wasn't that I lacked faith in Him, and that I only lacked faith in myself. I was afraid that I would blow it. Then I remembered "faith is the opposite of fear." I know that if we have complete faith in Jesus Christ, we need not be afraid of anything, not even of our own weaknesses and flaws.

So, I prayed about the interview today. I put my complete faith in the Lord and in the Savior. And I killed that interview. I am so grateful for that. I know that I was blessed today. That scripture was exactly what I needed to see/hear today.

I'm sure I'll find out soon enough whether I got the job, but I feel super good about it. :)

So, almost six months in, and I'm just barely getting started with the new-member lessons. Haha I guess they didn't think I would need the refresher course. I met the Sisternaries at the Pattons' house around 6. The Sisters and Sister Patton just taught me, and had me "teach" them what I've learned, about the Restoration. It was pretty cool. I shared my experience with the scripture in Enos with them. Sister Patton told me that my "countenance" has changed since she met me in January. I definitely feel that I've changed on the inside, and I guess it's showing on the outside, too. :) Which remind me of one of my favorite quotes: "When you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be changed." - President Ezra Taft Benson

I was also super fortunate to have the opportunity to help the Reseda Sisternaries teach a lesson today. I find it so humbling that one of the reasons I was initially against joining the Church was because I thought everyone had to serve missions, and I was super against that, at the time. Now, I'm willingly giving up my time to help the sisternaries do their missionary work, and I'm even contemplating serving a mission myself. See how much I've changed since December?!

Monday, July 14, 2014

I gave my first sacrament talk!!

I asked Bishop Patton if I could give a talk a few weeks ago, and he said yes! I spoke yesterday during sacrament meeting! Despite it being really short, I think it went really well!

I started off by sharing a verse from one of my favorite songs, "Buy This Town," by Lori McKenna. "If I could buy your pain, first I'd buy the great big sea; and I'd put that pain inside a box, and bury it so deep. If I could buy you back, the years you worked yourself to death, I would buy and waste your suffering 'til there wasn't any left." 

I then related this to Jesus Christ and the Atonement. I talked a bit about how it's common knowledge that Jesus Christ atoned for our sins, and how it's mentioned in Mosiah 14:5, and in 1 John 2:2. Then I went onto to say how He didn't just suffer four our sins and transgressions, but how he also suffered for the inequalities, the unfairness, the pain, the anguish, weaknesses etc., that we feel or experience. I shared a Timothy J. Dyches quote; "If you feel unclean, unloved, unhappy, unworthy, or unwhole; Remember, all that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ." I said that the Atonement isn't just for sinners; it is for all of us. It is there to comfort and reassure us, to help us bear our burdens, and it can mend what, for us, is beyond repair. The Atonement not only has the power to free us from our transgressions, or the power to comfort our pains; it also has the power to strengthen our weaknesses. The Atonement not only has a cleansing power or a comforting power; it also has an enabling power. I shared an example of this that I found in Mosiah, chapter 24, where Alma and his brethren were being persecuted by Amulon. In verses 14 and 15, it says that the Lord told Alma that He would ease their burdens, and then the burdens were! "The Lord did strengthen them that they could bear their burdens with ease..."

I then talked about how to fully take advantage of the powers of the atonement, or how to activate the powers. First, remember where you came from and where you are headed. By following the plan the Lord has made for you, following the commandments, keeping the covenants you made, and having an eternal perspective, we are able to meet our Heavenly Father again. The Atonement can help push upward and forward towards our eternal goal.  Second, we must feast upon the word of God. In 2 Nephi 34:3, it says, "Feast upon the word of Christ; For behold, the words of Christ will tell you all that ye should do." The use of the word "feast" is not accidental or by happenstance. The Lord doesn't want us to take "nibbles" of His word. He wants us to have all we can "eat." I didn't share this scripture, but I really like 2 Nephi 4:15-16. I know our Heavenly Father wants us to delight in the scriptures, and also really ponder on them. He wants us to take them to heart. Third, read/listen to talks given by church leaders. Fourth, go to the temple. Fifth, exercise faith in Jesus Christ. Sixth, sincerely repent. Seventh, be baptized. Eighth, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Ninth, follow the teachings of Christ for the rest of your life.

Then I bore my testimony of how I've felt or used the Atonement in my life.

I was super nervous, but I did enjoy it. I don't want to go back up to the pulpit any time soon. I don't know much about any other subject relating to the gospel. But then again, having to give a talk would give me another reason to want to learn more. :)

If you'd like to read the talks or articles I read in preparation for my talk, click on the links below.
  1. 6 Ways to Activate the Atonement
  2. The Atonement of Jesus Christ - His Life and Teachings
  3. Of Regrets and Resolutions
  4. The Atonement and the Journey of Mortality
  5. Beauty for Ashes: The Atonement of Jesus Christ