Monday, December 15, 2014

Open the Door

Just to set the record straight, this actually happened last week, December 7th to the 11th. I've been meaning to post about it for days, but I just hadn't gotten around to it. 

Yeah, so, last Sunday it hit me that right around this time last year was when the Elders knocked on my door. I've mentioned a few times throughout my blogposts that I had no desire to hear from them. While I prayed for guidance prior to meeting them, I wasn't sure I was ready or willing to make the changes that I knew faith required of me. So, when I saw them through the blinds, I rolled my eyes, and almost didn't even open the door. But I was raised better than that, so I decided to be polite, and just hear them out. Something prompted me to let them in, and, as "they" say, the rest is history. 
Last Sunday, when I realized that a whole year had passed, I felt the urge to share my testimony. I wasn't aware of this, but Elder Sharp was in the foyer at the time, and was able to hear it. Later, he told me he was grateful to have heard it and to have played a part in my conversion, if only a small part. 

After the three-hour blocks, we had our Break-The-Fast ward luncheon thing. One the Sisters' new investigators was there. His name is Andres, he's really nice. He seems like a solid investigator! I have a good feeling about this one, but then, what do I know? Haha I'm just a convert!

Anyway, after Break the Fast, Gilbert and I hung out at the church for a bit. He wanted help preparing for his seminary lesson. And I had a feeling I should stay and help him. 
A short while later, we heard a knock on the door. I think neither of us felt like answering, but then I heard another knock. So, I went to answer it, and there was this young guy there who said he ha to do a project for his class on a religion and was curious in the "Mormon Church." My first instinct was to refer him to the missionaries, and that's only because I don't known enough to be giving out information like that. I've finished the Book of Mormon, and I have a testimony of it, and Joseph Smith, and the Church, but I don't think that is what he was looking for. I went to go get Gilbert for help. The guy introduced himself as Travis, and told us that he was "an adult now," and he figured it was time for him to find a religion. He also mentioned that his mom was Mormon at one point before converting to Catholicism. So, we gave him a tour of the building; Gilbert gave him a mini-lesson on the Plan of Salvation, and we started telling him other aspects of the Church, some of which are not the best to mention the first time around. :\ that was mostly my fault, but then again, I was nervous. After a while, it startet to seem like his interest was caused less by his project and more by actual curiosity. And he had stuck around for so long, too. It seemed like he might be an actually investigator. He exchanged numbers with Gilbert, and asked to be invited to our church services and activites. He took the Sisters' number. The whole thing was incredible! I totally was not expecting it (I'll finish this story in a bit. I like to tell things in chronological order).
After that, Gilbert and I rushed to the stake center for the Rebroadcast of the Christmas Devotional. Mostly missionaries were there. So, we told the Sisternaries about it, and they were so excited! I told Sister Bishop that I was kind of funny that a year after I opened the door the Elders even though I kinda of didn't want to, I open a door at church (even though I kind of didn't feel like getting up) to a guy who might become an investigator! So, Sister Bishop was like, "That's it! Now you always have to open the door!" Haha! It made me think about taking the opportunities that are given to us! 
And I saw both Elder Sharp and Elder Hansen, so we had to get a picture to commemorate the anniversary of meeting them! 

Monday night, for FHE, the ward went up to Santa Clarita to this little neighborhood that goes all out with the lights. They call it "Wakefield Wonderland." It was really pretty! And then I unexpectedly ran into Sister Hacker! It was pretty funny. We looked at each other for half a second before recognizing each other, and then I totally screamed in excitement. Literally, like a little girl! I have never been that type of girl before, but now I'm screaming of joy all the time! It started when I joined the church. Haha what is also funny is that on the way there I was kind of hoping I would either run into her or Sister Olsen. Around the time I ran into Sister Hacker, some of the ward ran into Sister Olsen. I only saw her sticking out of the truck she was in as she was heading out. She was yelling, yeah, she's a funny gal. Haha. 

The Sisternaries invited me to teach Travis last Tuesday, and also last Thursday. On Tuesday, it still seemed like it was just for the project. But the Spirit was so strong on Thursday. I was sure he was genuinely interested. Besides, his project was due Wednesday. If he was only interested in the church for his project, I don't think he would've bothered meeting them again after it was due. Unfortunately, he didn't end up going to church this past Sunday. And he probably isn't interested anymore, if he ever was at all. And it's disappointing the way it turned out, but at least he "opened the door" enough to have an opinion on our Church. And that's all we're really asking of people, to pray and ponder whether this gospel is right for them. Only God knows if he actually prayed about it. But whatever happened, much like Elder Sharp, I'm grateful to have played a part in his short investigation. :)

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