Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mormons, Mormons Everywhere

I was at work on yesterday, putting go-backs away, when a customer stopped me to ask a question. I was happy to oblige. I couldn't tell you what she originally wanted, but I lifted my right hand up to scratch my chin as I thought about the location of her desired items. And she cut me off. She said, "is that a CTR ring?!" Indeed, it was a CTR ring on my right hand. And we started talking about what wards we each respectively go to. Our wards actually meet in the same building! She goes to the Northridge family ward! And she asked me to tell her my conversion story, so I gave her the short version. We had a nice little chat for over ten minutes. She's a sweet lady! I'm glad I met her! I'll probably see her around the building in passing.

I love this Church. There are members from all walks of life and all over the world. I love that the Church is the same no matter where you attend. It's a safe place to get away from the world. It's a place of spiritual refuge. The Spirit is felt the same in every church building. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father truly guided this church, and that He is at the Helm of that "old ship Zion." I would be so lost without His direction; I know I have been before.

David, one of my mom's exes who has grown to be like a father-figure to me, keeps trying to convince me to move to Utah. He says I'll love it (because of all the Mormons there. haha! As if there aren't any here! We're everywhere!). And I'm sure I would. When I went to the Ogden temple open house, I definitely fell in love with the scenery I saw along the way. And Utah just has a different aura than the other states I've seen. It doesn't seem, I hope some people don't take this the wrong way, as "worldly" as other places. I think it's kind of cool. But I just get this feeling, and I could be very wrong, that the leaders of the Church don't want all non-Utah Mormons to be flooding to Utah. I feel like rather than have the world think that Utah is the "Mormon state," they'd prefer to make the "Mormon presence" stronger throughout the world. I think they would rather have us stay put, and help "build the kingdom" where we are now. But I could be wrong. And I'm not completely against the idea of moving there; I'm just not sure I'm ready for it now. Only time will tell. :)

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