Friday, October 31, 2014

I Love to See the Temple

Last weekend, my ward and I drove from various points in the San Fernando valley to Arizona. We all left early Friday morning, and made it to Gilbert by the early afternoon. We were there to see the temple. Some of us did temple baptisms, others did sealings and endowments.
It was so great to return to that temple. The last time I had been was during their open house just eight months ago. At the time, I was still an investigator. It was there during the open house where I realized I wanted to be baptized. To be there again, as a member, doing temple work for the members of my Bishop's family felt pretty amazing. It was a real honor to be one of the few who got to e baptized for and in the place of some of his and Sister Patton's family members. I love them both so much. They are like family to me. 

Then we all grabbed a bite to eat, and we all went to the Mesa temple. It is so pretty. Sadly, I didn't think to take any pictures. Haha. 

Then we went back to Gilbert, to stay there for the night with members of the Church who live there. The house I stayed in was pretty epic! 

Saturday morning, the people I stayed with fed the entire ward. Almost 15 of us, plus their own family, and the members who housed the rest of the ward. I will never get over how kind the members of the Church are. They are awesome!
After breakfast, we drove from Gilbert to Phoenix for the temple open house there. That temple is so beautiful! Gilbert is still my favorite, bar none, but the celestial room in the Phoenix temple is gorgeous. I'll have to make a return visit once I have received my endowments. 

I feel so blessed to be part of this ward. I've talked to members in other YSA wards in the area, and they haven't been able to take the temple trips we've taken. I'm grateful that my Bishop was able to make this all happen, that the Church was able to make this all happen. I honestly don't know if I would be a member right now if I hadn't gone on that temple trip in February. I would not have been able to see as many temples as I have in the time that I have without the ward trips. I feel truly blessed. 😊

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