Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My Sister got Baptized!!

Sister Hacker and Sister Naylor broke the news to me on the third, which was Fast Sunday. And my sister had decided to get baptized on her birthday. So, she turned 17 today! Unfortunately, Sister Hacker got transferred yesterday, so she wasn't able to attend Sofia's baptism. But Sister Baxter is super nice!!

My mom and her boyfriend were about 20 minutes late to the baptism (no surprise there), and we had to stall some. My other sister and her boyfriend even went! I was super surprised to see they actually all came. It was amazing! The speakers gave really good talks on the Holy Ghost and Baptism. And the Missionary Moment was done by Elder Hansen (he baptized me a little over six months ago!) and his companion Elder Smith (I think). Sofia gave her testimony.

Sofia and Elder Burgess

Elder Pisa, Sofia, and Elder Burgess

Sister Naylor, Sofia, and Sister Baxter
Then we all went out for pupusas. :)

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