Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium | The First Sister Missionaries

Today has been a GREAT day!
I am NOT a fan of the Dodgers. #SFGIANTS #AllDayEveryday
BUT I went to Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium with my ward, and it was so much fun! #BonusPoints, the Dodgers lost! I'm sad I missed the first pitch because Elder Bednar threw it, and he is my favorite apostle.
But I think I want to go to Mormon Night next year, too! And maybe, if God is willing, they'll be playing the Giants! ;)

Earlier today, though, before the game, I saw this really great video about some Church history, and it's about how the Church was inspired to let women join the men in the field. I've been debating whether I should serve a mission. This video inspired me! Elizabeth McCune didn't realize what a strong impact she had at the time, but she made such a huge difference!

I am so grateful for this Church! I love history. It is one of my passions. I feel so blessed that I get to learn new parts of American history because it is Mormon history, and as far as I know, it is hardly mentioned, other than in Utah or Idaho where the Mormon presence is overwhelmingly strong! Haha!

Watch the video by clicking on the link below!

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