Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium | The First Sister Missionaries

Today has been a GREAT day!
I am NOT a fan of the Dodgers. #SFGIANTS #AllDayEveryday
BUT I went to Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium with my ward, and it was so much fun! #BonusPoints, the Dodgers lost! I'm sad I missed the first pitch because Elder Bednar threw it, and he is my favorite apostle.
But I think I want to go to Mormon Night next year, too! And maybe, if God is willing, they'll be playing the Giants! ;)

Earlier today, though, before the game, I saw this really great video about some Church history, and it's about how the Church was inspired to let women join the men in the field. I've been debating whether I should serve a mission. This video inspired me! Elizabeth McCune didn't realize what a strong impact she had at the time, but she made such a huge difference!

I am so grateful for this Church! I love history. It is one of my passions. I feel so blessed that I get to learn new parts of American history because it is Mormon history, and as far as I know, it is hardly mentioned, other than in Utah or Idaho where the Mormon presence is overwhelmingly strong! Haha!

Watch the video by clicking on the link below!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

My First Mormon Wedding!

Today, I went to a Mormon wedding! It's the first time I've been to a Mormon wedding! It was awesome!
Tim Sands and Emily Ramirez were sealed in the temple for all time and eternity earlier today! Now Emily Ramirez will be known as Emily Sands! They are such a beautiful couple!

I am honestly a little sad because I feel like I was just barely starting to get to really know them. And now they are gone. But I am grateful they invited me, despite not really knowing me!

The reception was beautiful! It's hard to believe that it was in the Van Nuys stake center cultural hall, which mostly looks like a basketball court, as most cultural halls do. Her dad really did make the place look nice! I just might have to hire him when I get married someday ;)

Her family is great, too! They definitely know how to have a good time! They remind me so much of my extended family, except my family drinks, and her family doesn't! That just means the Ramirez family really knows how to have a good time, because they can party sober! :)

Overall, it was just a good time!

Nicky and Andrew are getting married in August, too! Weddings are so much fun!