Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I planned my first FHE activity!

Yesterday, I was in charge of the FHE, that is, Family Home Evening, activity for the Northridge Young Single Adults ward. I know that in Family wards, FHE means families get together on Monday nights, and it's usually a spiritual thing. The entire time I've been in YSA, I don't think we've ever had a spiritual kind of activity. So I wanted to bring it back, but I wanted it to be fun as well.

I wanted to do improv. But knowing that, most likely, no one in the ward, including myself, has ever done it before, I had to come up with a way that it wasn't really improv, and that people would have something to go on. I created little prompt cards that the ward members would pick out at random, some of which were totally random, and hilarious, scenarios; and others that were based on stories from the scriptures.

Hilarity ensued.

But to backtrack a little, my spiritual thought for the night was really spot on, if I do say so myself, for the improv-esque activity. I watched this Mormon Message video about having couarge in really difficult situations, and one of the women in it said, "I know that God has a plan for me. It's usually totally different than the plan I have for myself. It's not always easier, but it's always better." And I also shared a short message from one of Elder Bednar's CES (Church Education System) Devotional talks. He said, "strong faith in the Savior is submissively accepting of His will and timing in our lives, even if the outcome is not what we hoped for or wanted." I related these two quotes to the activity by saying that life, much like improv, can take many unexpected turns. But if we have faith in the Lord and in our Savior, we'll be just fine.

To watch the Mormon Message, or to read Elder Bednar's talk, click the links below.
  1. Mormon Messages: Courage
  2. That We Might Not Shrink

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