Sunday, February 16, 2014


AH! Today I was confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I received the gift of the Holy Ghost!

To be completely honest, I had forgotten all about it, and I was late to church. Haha! And I wasn't sure if I was supposed to close my eyes during the confirmation. Then after, I tried to walk away, but I was supposed to shake all the priesthood holders' hands. AWKWARD! But it was a really great feeling!

The gift of the Holy Ghost is truly an amazing gift. I pray that I can always live up to the standards necessary  so it never leaves me, for the Spirit "doth not dwelleth in unholy temples (Alma 34:36)!"

Monday, February 10, 2014

I got BAPTIZED! :)

Exactly one week after going through the Gilbert, Arizona temple, and realizing that the Church really is true in a whirlwind, I got baptized! I was able to have one of the original Elders who knocked on my door perform the baptism, Elder Hansen. His companion, Elder Sharp, was transferred to another area in the mission, and wasn't able to come. But I am grateful that at least one of them was able to come. 

Sister Olsen (left) and Sister Kemp (right) are the sister missionaries who taught me after Elder Sharp and Elder Hansen told me they work with families, and not Young Single Adults. LOL. This was before the baptism happened.

This was after, at Bishop Patton's house. Love these girls!

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Temple Open House in Gilbert, Arizona

The Northridge Young Single Adults Ward invited me to go to the Gilbert, Arizona Temple open house. It was AMAZING! It is the prettiest building I have ever been in! The feelings I felt in that place confirmed for me my decision to get baptized! 

These stained-glass windows are even prettier on the inside of the building!

We went through it on Friday night (the 31st of January), and on Saturday morning.